Get Your Important Papers In Order
Last night, after only three hours of sleep, I woke with an anxious mind. What if I get sick (or die) from COVID-19? My brain shifted into “worry planning.” I inventoried...
Decluttering, Identity, and Finding Clarity
One year ago, I gave birth. No, it wasn’t to an actual baby. My human babies are all teens. I gave birth to my first solo book, Who Am I Now? Realign Your Home and Life. The...
3 Ways to Feel More in Control
I know the secret to feeling in control-at least temporarily. We live in an uncertain time. COVID-19 is creating some big changes for my family and me. I’m guessing you face...
When Gifts Feel Like Clutter
I know someone who hates receiving gifts, specifically physical objects. Why? Because she already fights an ongoing battle with clutter and these well-meant gifts from others...
What Should I Do With My Old Textbooks
Lurking in the basement or crawl space is a dusty old box filled with dusty old information that you paid way too much for when you were in college. That musty bin holds rows...
Does Your Closet Pass the Truth Test?
You may be in a dysfunctional relationship and not even know how bad it is. This relationship causes you to second-guess your body and looks, making you feel like you are never...