Lurking in the basement or crawl space is a dusty old box filled with dusty old information that you paid way too much for when you were in college. That musty bin holds rows of hardbound books...
Organizing Tips
Does Your Closet Pass the Truth Test?
You may be in a dysfunctional relationship and not even know how bad it is. This relationship causes you to second-guess your body and looks, making you feel like you are never good enough. Every...
The True Cost of a Cluttered Closet
Remember the adage, “Waste not, want not”? One the one hand, it makes a lot of sense. We all ought to examine our consumerism for ways to use less and use it longer. On the other hand, what a lot of...
How Many Rags Do You Really Need?
I know you have it. It’s a pile of stained and holey shirts that have been demoted to the category of “what if I need it for ____.” Fill in the blank with painting, gardening, removing old carpet,...
The Lazy Way to Organize a Closet
The KonMari Method for organizing clothes instructs you to gather all clothes from the closet, drawers, and various other stash spots around the house in order to see them all in one place. By all...
Permission to Upgrade Your Support
“I do it mine-self!” If you’ve spent any time around two-year-olds, you’ve heard this phrase. Instead of allowing you to help fasten her seat belt, she has to do it. You cannot lift him into the...