This dynamic one-to-one coaching program delivers a steady stream of aha moments so that you:

  •  Go with (not against) your natural energy flow.
  •  Communicate in a way that gets heard.
  •  Know why certain people or situations drain you.
  •  Acknowledge your inherent gifts and nurture your life purpose.
  •  Strengthen your inner knowing, make confident decisions + more.

EPIPHANY GETS RESULTS – Check out these happy clients

I trust my inner knowing more than ever before.

Before I started working with Kate in Epiphany, I was overwhelmed and unsure about next steps. Now I have direction, new tools, and confidence.

Kate gave me permission to trust my gut. She asked great questions, helped me get in touch with my “yes and no.” I have a line in the sand. My trust in myself is strengthened and the possibilities are endless!

Lynne Poulton

Certified Professional Organizer + Inventor of Declutter Go! (R), Owner of Wholly Organized

The process we went through helped me to embrace my goals with courage and compassion.

I knew the goals that I wanted to work toward but I was nervous about the risks involved and making it sustainable. Through working with Kate, I had a much better understanding of how my Human Design contributes to my success and finding a rhythm and flow in my business that works for me!

Kate was generously supportive, present, and intuitively curious about how I was feeling. She is incredible at holding space for me to process my ideas and feelings in a non-judgmental space.

Also, It was really fun to connect the dots between my Human Design and the situations I was experiencing.

Megan Pritchett

Career Coach, owner of Career Dork, llc


Our Session Flow

Session 1: Welcome call. Go through logistics, expectations, set goals and intentions for the areas of transformation our Human Design work will spotlight – for example, increasing confidence, attracting clients, reducing anxiety, preparing for a transition, upleveling leadership, etc.

Sessions 2-4: Personalized Human Design Energy Imprint. Look “under the hood” at how you are naturally wired. You’ll experience a huge sigh of relief and validation. We’ll design experiments based on your overall coaching goal and personalized Human Design Imprint report.

Sessions 5-7: Personalized Human Design Deconditioning Guide. Cue massive aha moments! You can make new rules about what you’re allowed to do as you look at what you’ve been conditioned to act and react. At this point, you will be a kick-ass observer of yourself who is shifting the old paradigms of people-pleasing, proving, overthinking, and questioning your inner knowing.

Session 8: Celebration Call. Assess wins, next steps, and learning along the way. You may decide to extend the 1:1 coaching another three months to integrate your new way of being into existing relationships as well as receive support while you take additional bold actions.

*Each session is 60 minutes via Zoom, with recordings sent to you.

Also Included in the Epiphany Program
  • Your Personalized Human Design Energy Imprint that synthesizes your type, strategy, authority, profile, defined centers and what that means for who you truly are.
  • Your Personalized Human Design Deconditioning Guide that makes it crystal clear where you’ve been taking in and amplifying the energy and expectation of others, with questions designed to breakthrough old patterns so that you can be free to be yourself.
  • Your Personalized Human Design Life Fulfillment Map that lets you lean even further into the impact you can have in your lifetime, especially once you’ve released the conditioning that’s been weighing you down.
  • An Advanced Rave Human Design Report with multiple views of your unique chart, including the conscious and unconscious aspects separately, plus the description of each defined gate with it’s precise line meaning.
  • What the Heck is a Bodygraph? – A Human Design Basics Course. This self-paced course helps you understand how your unique design fits into the big picture of Human Design.
  • Recordings of all sessions that gives you the option to watch again and document your transformation.
  • Email + text support between sessions as requested + as needed
  • A Personalized Audio Meditation custom-designed by Kate to support your true self to trust the process.
Investment + How to Enroll

$2500 paid in full or 3 payments of $997.

Ready for life-changing AHAs?



to find out how to enroll.

Or, we can discuss whether the Epiphany Program is the right fit for you when you schedule a Discovery Call.



Like the Enneagram or Myer-Briggs, Human Design is a self-discovery tool. What is special about Human Design is its level of specificity.

Unlike tools that use preference inventories, your Human Design chart is built on your birth date, time and place (Astrology) as it combines with the ancient wisdom systems of the I’Ching, the Kabbalah, the Hindu-Brahmin Chakras, and the emerging wisdom of Quantum Physics.

Don’t worry! You won’t have to spend years learning this complex system. I’ll decode your chart and we’ll co-create immediate, actionable steps. I guarantee you will experience aha moments!

more client results

I was feeling depleted and burnt out prior to starting with Kate.

When I completed Epiphany I felt renewed, hopeful and joy again!

She had the insight and expertise of how to move forward and create new habits that helped pull me out of the space I was stuck in.

Living and having peace with all aspects of my life is possible now. I have the tools to meet any challenge that comes up. It’s truly amazing!

Marsha Werner

Mom of 3 and Insurance Claims Analyst

I have learned what I need, how to use my voice and the mindfulness to obtain that.

Before Epiphany, I felt lost; I was floating along not tethered to anything. I kept trying new things hoping something would fit and provide a sense of belonging.

Kate armed me with information that changed my perspective on how I interact with the world around me.

She provided a very safe and loving space in which I could explore my unique Human Design, and have hard conversations that brought out the truth in what behaviors were not serving me.

Kate was my anchor throughout the entire process of learning and becoming who I am today. Now, I feel grounded and comfortable in my own skin. I have a life lived in congruence with my heart, soul and mind.

Stefanie Joy Muscat

CEO + Founder, bevara non-profit consulting

kate’s other human design offers

Clarity via Human Design Deep Dive

In this 90-minute personalized session with Kate, you’ll get actionable clarity based on your unique Human Design. It’s a great fit if you just want to meet once.

Ideal Client Clarity with Human Design

Get clearer about your ideal client messaging.  Includes a 2-hour deep dive into your ideal client, ideal client report, a 60-min follow-up session and recordings of both sessions.

Do you have a VIP coaching program?

Help your clients to maximize results in your program by including a Human Design Session. Let’s talk!

Tired of feeling drained and stuck?

Align your energy using Human Design.