What do you think about the quote below? 

It really resonated with me. One of the things I love to do most is to play with ideas. Perhaps that’s why I enjoy the 64 Gates of the Human Design system. Each gate presents a life theme to contemplate.

The gates of the Human Design system come from the Chinese I Ching, which was developed over 3,000 years ago!


Play along with me

I’ve decided to share the wisdom of these themes with you as each gate moves into alignment with the Sun for approximately 6 days. 

For example, the Sun is in Gate 4 from August 11-16. That means that the theme of Gate 4 impacts all of our lives right now – both individually and collectively. 

Isn’t that interesting?

You get to follow along either for yourself or notice what’s coming up in the news. 😊 (August 17 the Sun moves into a new theme – Gate 29 – for 6 days so stay tuned.)

Are you living consciously or unconsciously?

You don’t have to be swept away by reacting to life. That is unconscious living. That is victimhood. A victim has not yet uncovered their wisdom.

You have the power to notice – that every effect has a cause and every cause, an effect. Your action and reaction are your responsibility. That is conscious living.

You may or may not like the situation at hand. Regardless, you can choose consciousness or you’ll remain in unconsciousness.


The Gate 4 Theme

The image above shows the name of Gate 4 as originated in the I Ching and interpreted in traditional and quantum Human Design. 

Where is a child in relation to conscious living?

A child is innocent/ignorant. They live unconsciously until they learn how their actions impact others. They play act with cause and effect.

The maturation process invites us to go beyond unconscious living. I believe that you cannot be empowered and unconscious at the same time.

Where are you in relation to conscious living?

Use the questions below to explore the theme of moving out of childhood into a more mature, conscious, and empowered experience of life. 

Questions to contemplate:
-Where can I take responsibility for my actions and reactions?
-What do I get out of victimhood?
-How does consciously looking at my current situation with curiosity open up new possibilities?

I hope you are as excited as I am about exploring the themes of the Gates! Each email in this series will have the title: “The wisdom of Gate __.” If these emails are not adding value for you, follow the unsubscribe link below. If you are excited about this series, hooray!

Have a wonderful weekend,


P.S. Are you a coach or consultant who took a group marketing program? Did you get the important messaging pieces done? 

Let’s chat to see if my 1:1 program, Illuminate, can get your marketing on track to fill your practice. Book a free strategy session here.


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