Human Design leads to epiphanies.

Epiphany is a moment of sudden revelation.

It’s the perfect word to describe the deep insight I’ve had since exploring my Human Design.

Discovering My Inner Unicorn

The last conceptual system that brought me such clarity was the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). In addition to helping me understand why I need time to recharge as an Introvert, the MBTI confirmed my love of ideas, the ease with which I share my emotional experience, and the combination of flexibility and planning that I prefer.

Most impactful for me was discovering that my type preference, INFJ, had the smallest percentage in the population. “No wonder it seems like no one understands me!” I said to anyone who would listen. “No wonder I felt so lonely growing up!”

In that moment of epiphany, I gave myself permission to be different.

Rather than believing I was inherently flawed, I saw the pattern of others who were like me.  I had evidence we were a small coalition of unicorns who didn’t need to suppress our uniqueness.

A Reluctant Adventurer

Twenty years later, I’ve found another conceptual system that’s even more intricate and complex. The number of epiphanies I’ve had over the course of three years of intense study have been more than I can count and they continue to happen.

I was skeptical about Human Design at first.

Playing around with being a Leo was the extent to which I interacted with Astrology. “How could the planets really have an impact on my personality to that extent?” I scoffed to my science-minded husband. He whole-heartedly agreed that the entire thing seemed weird.

Plus, the system’s complexity baffled me. (Ok . . . I was intrigued by the intricacy, too.)

And didn’t I already have enough certifications? This is the point where you laugh knowingly. My clients have insatiably curiosity, they love to learn, they’ve acquired expertise on multiple subjects. You, my friend, know exactly what I mean.

But Human Design chased me like the Biblical story of Jonah and the Whale. It niggled in my mind. It kept appearing in conversations. I’d return to it for more insights like someone sneaking another forkful of chocolate cake.

Finally, I had to admit that I was in it. In fact, I was already on the journey.

Human Design Proves Itself

My clients (especially Manifesting Generators) and I often share another trait: the propensity for intense, deep dives into learning. Dear hubby dreads when I swim in the ocean of a new topic because I’ll forget to come up for air or to eat, or help with laundry or dishes. So far, I’ve been through several periods of deep dive learning.

In the process, my skepticism has faded.

“Why is that?” you ask.

Because I can give someone information based on their chart that gets at a deep inner truth.

Recently, I shared a short synopsis via Messenger with someone who has yet to have her session with me. Her reply? “I. Am. Floored.”

How I Coach

First, let’s talk about coaching. A good coach isn’t a bossy-pants. They aren’t here to tell you what to do or to solve your problems for you. Neither are they your therapist. Coaching addresses how you can show up in a way that helps you achieve your goal.

I’ve been a certified coach since 2012, which means I learned what I didn’t know I needed to know to be a coach. I also recertify every three years to keep up my “mad skillz.”

Here’s an illuminating truth: an effective coach holds the space so that you make your own discoveries. There’s a physiological aspect that supports the efficacy of people making their own discoveries. When your own brain lights up, you are more likely to follow through on the solutions you come up with. (That’s why when your bestie gives you advice, it never seems to take.)

I use a strengths-based approach, which means that we gather the strengths you already have (that you probably discount) and we use them as proof that you are inherently resourceful, naturally creative, and whole. You’ll be amazed by how that changes the process!

Then we address challenges. What I’ve noticed is how often challenges exist because expectations are not aligned with who you really are. We test expectations against whether they fit you. BTW, It’s not your job to conform to fit the expectation.

I don’t expect you to learn Human Design. You have lots to accomplish already. I aim to help you understand YOUR Human Design ENOUGH to experience epiphanies.

The Value of Using Human Design

Again and again, I see how Human Design sparks epiphanies for others, just as it has for me.
  1. It validates parts of them that have been hidden.
  2. It interrupts the story they’ve told themselves about being broken.
  3. It provides a process for identifying societal or familial programming.
  4. It allows for the emergence of their authentic self, which means understanding:
    • The flow of their energy
    • Why certain people or situations drain them
    • Their inherent gifts
    • How to nurture their life purpose
    • Techniques to communicate in a way that gets heard
    • Why some people are drawn to them
    • What expectations they can release themselves from
    • A pathway for confident decisions
    • Ways to strengthen their intuition
    • The best approach to deal with pressure to know and do
    • Riding their emotional wave (if they have one)
    • Moving from fear to trust
    • And so much more

Which of the above benefits would you like to have?

Discover how coaching with Human Design could bring you epiphanies. Click here for a complimentary discovery call.


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