Join Kate Varness for a FREE masterclass on Monday, June 19 at 7pm EDT / 6pm CDT / 4pm PDT

Less Worry – More Action

for women solopreneurs

Are you caught up in self-doubt about your business?

Do you want to break the worry pattern?

Would it be a game-changer for your business success to leave worry behind?

Don’t stay stuck – there’s a solution!

In this Masterclass, you will: 

  •  Know all seven fears that can stop successful entrepreneurs from reaching their goals.
  • Choose the right one for you to address so you can get better results today.
  • Learn the one question that will help you deal with worry every time.
Hi, I’m Kate Varness

Hi, I’m Kate Varness

Certified Coach and Quantum Human Design Specialist

I help smart AF women prepare for their next level of leadership. They are feeling called to something bigger – something that is both exciting and scary. Even though they’ve already had some success, they find themselves stuck in a pattern of self-doubt. That’s where I come in. 

Together, we discover their “light” (strengths + purpose), evaluate where they “wear a mask” (worry, hide, overthink, undervalue themselves), and design next steps so that they actually take action on what their soul is calling them to do. 

I use the powerful system of Human Design, decades of experience + training, as well as my intuitive abilities to make this possible. For 20 years, I’ve helped neurodivergent women articulate and achieve their goals, first as a Certified Professional Organizer Specializing in Chronic Disorganization, then as a Certified Coach, and now as a Level 4 Quantum Human Design Specialist.

My clients feel energetically held, deeply heard, and motivated to move forward. If you’d like to experience that, schedule a discovery call here.

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