You may be in a dysfunctional relationship and not even know how bad it is.

This relationship causes you to second-guess your body and looks, making you feel like you are never good enough.

Every morning you are reminded of your deficiencies. The stressed-out feelings begin. Things feel too hard, but you aren’t sure how to change the situation, so you tolerate it.

(Life is about more than tolerating, isn’t it?)

The time has come for you to break up with the source of the dysfunction and have a relationship based on trust and stability.

I’m talking about your closet, of course.

Your daily relationship with your wardrobe impacts your entire day.

And it can be quite toxic. It’s the clothes that are too small that you think you will be able to wear again. It’s the items you wish you hadn’t purchased. It’s the things that don’t fit right or make you feel beautiful.

Have you ever noticed the stream of self-talk that happens when you try something on and it doesn’t fit? How can feeling schlumpy not affect your confidence?

And you are signing up for that experience day after day after day.

Imagine having a closet you can trust.

That means that every item supports your best self. To say it more concretely, each piece of clothing earns a yes to the following questions:

  • Does it fit?
  • Does it feel good to your senses (not scratchy or pinchy)?
  • Does it look flattering?
  • Do you feel confident?
  • Does it generally match what’s in style?
  • Is it hole-free?
  • Does it fit your current lifestyle?

This last question measures how well you are keeping up with your life stage. If you have retired and only wear suits at weddings and funerals, then it is time to release 70% of your suits.

Think about what activities you do each day and each week, then match your clothing to those activities. While that sounds pretty obvious, people can miss the fact that life has changed but their wardrobe has not.

There’s more about aligning with your life stage in my book, Who Am I Now? Realign Your Home and Life (available on Amazon).

Pretend you are a wardrobe therapist.

What does your closet relationship need? Can you get ready in the morning without stress because the clothing aligns with your shape, confidence and lifestyle?

Stop tolerating what you can fix. Release your old beliefs about what you are supposed to do and instead, show up at your wardrobe knowing that each and every piece of clothing supports who you are right now.

If this task seems too daunting on your own (which applies to many of you reading this), then reach out for help. I can help you work through what needs to be released so that you incorporate new habits and gain clarity to create the life you desire.

May all your relationships be trustworthy,






Kate Varness, CPO-CD, COC, MA, Green Light Organizing and Coaching

P.S. Schedule your free consultation to find out more:


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