You will fare better during this time, if you take time for reflection.

This morning, I felt called to write what is below. After I wrote it, I spoke it out loud.

I invite you to do the same.

Find a paper and pen and write seven for each. What do you forgive? What do you open to? What do you appreciate?


Here’s my Forgive-Open-Appreciate poem

I forgive myself for believing that I am broken.

I forgive myself for thinking that others will show me my value.

I forgive myself for all the times I hid my light.

I forgive myself for wanting to hide.

I forgive myself for being impatient.

I forgive myself for wanting to skip steps.

I forgive myself for telling the same victim story over and over.


I open to trusting my instincts about who can and cannot help me.

I open to the light inside me. I will nourish it with sleep, nutrition, and movement.

I open to the goodness in myself. I pause and receive it.

I open to the shadow, which has much to teach me.

I open to desire, to feeling good, to turning from what feels like it doesn’t fit me.

I open to connection that honors me and honors you and honors us.

I open to breaking patterns that have kept me isolated.


I appreciate the birds that sing and fly and build their nests in any weather.

I appreciate the pain that has pushed me into new awareness and different action.

I appreciate sleep that restores me for a new day.

I appreciate the hand that reaches for my hand.

I appreciate how love carries no measuring stick.

I appreciate knowing you are reading this and thinking of what you treasure.

I appreciate that each day I breathe deeply and start again.


Tell me how this exercise impacts you. I’d love to hear your thoughts and your forgive-open-appreciate poems. Send them to

In need of comfort and clarity? During the month of April only, I am offering two 60-minute clarity coaching sessions at a special rate of $300. There are only 3 spots remaining. If you’ve been stuck in frustration, this is an amazing opportunity to get recentered and refocused in your business or in life.

Sign up here:


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