Photo credit: DariuszSankowski

Dearest friend,

I see you moving through life like you have it all together. I know you are putting on a smile and answering that “everything is fine” because you know that the questioner isn’t equipped for the real answer. It’s the saved-up-stuffed-down-ugly-cry answer that you wish you could share with someone who was truly curious. People say they want to hear, but you can tell they’re just waiting for their turn to talk.

What do you want to tell them?

How about that you knew who you were when you were 10 and could pop wheelies with your bike? Or that you had butterflies of excitement when you stood at the altar next to the love of your life? Maybe it’s the moment you knew you had mastered motherhood because not only was your diaper bag packed for your needs, but you were able to help another mom.

What are things like now? Are you excited by what is ahead or do you feel kinda lost?

And by feel kinda lost, I mean you wouldn’t know which color is your favorite or whether there’s an alternative to getting older = becoming irrelevant. You may not know how to get un-lost.

I wrote you a book. Yes, I wrote it for you. I’m rooting for you to get excited about your life again.

It may not look like popping wheelies in the alley, but I know it means not going through the motions, with the messy house and the ignored emotions and unprocessed life transitions.

Parts of your life have changed and you have not quite kept up. The piles in the basement, the too-full cabinets, the closet with clothes that don’t fit, and the years of backlogged papers signal that it’s time to pay attention.

Consider this your invitation to start figuring it out. We’ll dig in together with some laughs and some tears, some tools and ideas for learning to rediscover you, to get the needed support, to find out how to let go, and how to know the answer to “who am I now?” Find it here. I’ll be waiting.



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