Originally published December 30, 2018

Your disorganization affects not only you, it affects everyone, because it:

  • increases your stress
  • makes it harder to have healthy habits
  • causes arguments
  • makes you late for work or ineffective at work
  • wastes money via buying duplicates when you can’t find the one you own

Where do you want to be at the end of 2019?

Joelle says yes when she means no. She knows she is being taken advantage of by some and feels like everyone else has control of her time…except her. What if she could get to the end of 2019 saying no when she means no and yes when she means yes?&nbsp

Carolyn knows she needs to start downsizing her house, but she hasn’t actually done anything . . . for the last three years. Every time she considers going through things, she gets overwhelmed. Even though she is retired, she doesn’t seem to have any extra time. It’s all very daunting. Where can she start and what can she do with all the sentimental things?&nbsp

Anna’s kids are all in school and she can’t figure out where her time goes. It’s the same mess every day. Things feel more complicated than they need to be. She quit sketching when her kids were born, and now she might have time to do the drawing that she once loved. How could she make daily chores easier so that she could actually be creative? What would if feel like to take care of herself after years not doing it?

I can help you organize your home and coach you to create the changes you desire.

What would be possible if you reached your goals?

With 15 years as a Professional Organizer and Life Coach, I specialize in helping people reach their goals. Find out more about organizing with Kate here.

Call me today for a free consultation: 309.251.2646


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